Why You Need a Specialist When Choosing Commercial Flooring

By |2023-08-29T16:40:14+00:00March 29th, 2021|Commercial, Flooring, News|

So, what does epoxy flooring have to do with a band-aid? When you ask for a tissue, you might say “Hand me a Kleenex”. When you ask for a bandage, you might say “I need a Band-Aid”. These are actually branded product names that have come to be known as the actual item they represent. Epoxy has become the Band-Aid of commercial flooring. People search the internet for epoxy flooring, when what they really mean is resinous flooring or fluid-applied flooring. They may not realize that epoxy is just one type of resinous flooring, but it is certainly not the only kind and not always the best solution for a project. Most people think epoxy is “that stuff that looked great in my neighbor’s garage”, which is probably true. A lot of garages have epoxy coatings that do look great and hold up well under the conditions present in a home garage, which is minimal foot traffic,